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49. Experiencing Bliss

There are those who will get close to the lake through tremendous personal endeavour, but often the pride of this personal achievement often numbs, them into not taking a dip in the precious lake of the manas, he leaves without even taking a sip...

43. A Blazing Fire

Rama’s virtues are like a blazing fire consuming the easily flammable dry wood of evil acts.  Deceitful reasoning,  mischief and cheating, hypocritical actions, selfishness, these types of behaviors are abundant in this age of Kali. The...

40. The Virtues Of Rama

I shall now proceed to explain the virtues of Rama.  Rama is the repository of all virtues, his grace extends towards all beings. He is the richest of all kings, and yet has taken in me, the poorest of servants. He is the root of compassion...