We are born in the age of Kali, where vultures can appear like swans. Some choose to live an immoral life abandoning the teachings of the Vedas, instead choosing to follow a life based on desire, untruthfulness and deceit. Be wary, for even apparently spiritual beings are in fact impostors in this Dark Age. Slaves to their senses and to lust, they are hypocritical and lack any sense of virtue.
I, myself, am the first among them! If I were to recount all of my vices here in this story, it would be never ending, therefore please forgive me and accept my humble prayers. Accept the spirit of my heart and devotion and do not despise me for writing this work. I am no poet or scholar, I do not proclaim any great talent, I sing the Glories of my Lord Shri Rama as they come through me. How can my intellect even begin to describe the limitless glories of Shri Rama, I am like a small piece of cotton which is easily blow about in a hurricane. Knowing all of this, I proceed forth, sharing with you the story of Shri Rama.