How To Meditate Like Christ
Namaste, I hope you had as wonderful Christmas Day with your friends and families as I did with mine. The following is an excerpt from the book: Chants of a lifetime, by Krishna Das. One day a Canadian man arrived for his first visit with Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji). He didn’t know much about Maharaj-ji […]
Meditation 5 – Love Everybody. By Dr. Nicholas Sutton
This is the 5th of a series of Meditations on HInduism based on the book, The Eternal Path by Dr.NIcholas Sutton and Hanuman Dass.
Meditation 4 – Qualities of Good People. By Dr. Nicholas Sutton
This is the fourth of a series of Meditations on HInduism based on the book, The Eternal Path by Dr.NIcholas Sutton and Hanuman Dass.
Meditation 3 – The Superior Understanding
This is the third of a series of Meditations on Hinduism based on the book, The Eternal Path by Dr. NIcholas Sutton and Hanuman Dass.
Meditation 2 – Core Principles of Dharma By Dr. Nicholas Sutton
This is the second of a series of Meditations on Dharma based on the book, The Eternal Path by Dr.NIcholas Sutton and Hanuman Dass.
Meditation 1 – What is Dharma? By Dr. Nicholas Sutton
This is the first of a series of Meditations on Dharma based on the book, Pearls of Wisdom from Hinduism by Dr. NIcholas Sutton and Hanuman Dass.
The fear of imperfection
Namaste, We are constantly aiming to be perfect in life. many times the fear of imperfection persuades us out of action. A better model is to learn by our failures and scares, to improve, to ‘experiment with truth’. We should never be afraid to change our position for the better. Mahatma Gandhi once in the […]
Miracle of love
Namaste After decades of Academic research in the top American Universities, Ram Dass found something very profound in India. The miracle of universal unconditional love. This love goes beyond the boundaries of race, gender, religion, even species. Neem Karoli Baba personified this universal love. I feel this is the nature of an ideal being, something […]
Sweet Rasa
Namaste, The days of blind faith are over, we want experience. Evidence of this is the way that over the next 9 nights thousands and thousands of people will fill temple halls and buildings for Navaratari experience of ‘Rasa’ which literally means to taste. The Yoga Sutras tell us that it is by ‘doing’ that […]
Teachings from Lord Shiva – Part 2
Namaste Continuing on from the last post which received a lot of response on Lord Shivas words in the Anusasana Parva of the Mahabharata here is some lovely advice to Married couples. Householders should worship daily keeping the sacred flame in their homes at all times. Study the Vedas and honour ancestors. Eat only after serving and […]