Today we celebrate Akshaya Tritiya. This festival holds great significance for me, our Go Dharmic Welfare Foundation and the world at large. It is a festival where we celebrate the divine fulfilment of our desire to serve. It is my desire that one day, our Foundation will be a an eternal boon to this world, a boon which forever gives to those that need our help. Whether they need food, an eye operation, or a young girl needing an education, or just our time and love, we can be there for them. Between us, we can be the beloved community which works to love, feed, and serve all. This is our spiritual practice. These are the thoughts on my mind today this Akshaya Tritiya.
Yudhisthira, the eldest brother of the Pandavas was extremely sad, he could not find a way to feed all of the many people who depended upon him. Lord Surya was pleased with Yudhisthira’s earnest wish to feed and care for people, Lord Surya granted him the boon of the Akshaya Patra, a divine vessel that provides undiminishing amounts of food.
In a similar incident, Draupadi living in the forest with her family when a saint approached and requested to have food with them. Draupadi feeling a deep sense of helplessness, looked in her pot for rice, but the pot was empty. She prayed to Lord Krishna, who appeared saying that he was very hungry, he looked in the pot and found a single grain of rice. He quickly ate the single grain of rice, the pot then transformed into an Akshaya patra, again a vessel which eternally provides sustenance. Draupadi’s pot miraculously fed hundreds of people.
I have complete faith and confidence that Go Dharmic will be an Akshaya Patra. We have very little in the way of resources, very few influential supporters, not much in the way of financial support. What we do have in an indomitable spirit to serve and love those who we serve.
I believe that with the grace of God and Guru, the purity of our desire to serve the poor will transform our small community into an Akshaya Patra.
Ram Ram,
Hanuman Dass
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