Chicken Nuggets Anyone?
I normally try to keep blogs positive, but this is an area I feel strongly about. Animals suffer tremendously at our hands, I think we should have a greater responsibiliity towards their lights as living beings. Many people kept quiet during the slave trade, the way we treat animals is something I feel we should […]
Being An Essence Seeker
Namaste, I believe the worlds religions are in essence all good. All of them also can be and are construed for those who seek power and to dominate others. If we seek the essence of a scripture, festival, prayer, ritual or religion we will derive much more benefit. The act of hugging somebody from a […]
The Opposite of Harming
Namaste, We often talk about punishing those that harm others. We rarely discuss and celebrate those who actively non-harm. Ahimsa is not pacifism. It is not accepting the harmful. It is the propagation the way of least harm. It is not always easy to decide what is Ahimsa and what is Himsa. We need to consider very carefully our decisions […]
Conquering Anger
Namaste, Anger is our own worst enemy. It clouds our judgement making us act without due consideration. It does not solve our problems, in most cases will exacerbate them. The Mahabharata says if we can control our anger we can conquer everything, and lead a better happier life. Here is what it says: ‘The wise […]
For Better or Worse
Written by Hanuman Dass Four years ago Ram Dass gaveme a very simple mantra to chant. He said, ‘chant the holy name of Ram, he said where ever you go ‘Ramize’ the world! Spread the awareness of Love within yourself and everywhere you go. Remember you are loving awareness.’ He said, ‘keep a murti (A […]
A Reminder to Relinquish negative characteristics
Namaste, In the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says, ‘Relinquishing egotism, violence, pride, lust, anger, and selfish desire; free from the notion of “my”, obtaining a peaceful disposition; then one becomes fit for attaining oneness with Brahman. (18.53) Of course this is easier said than done. It has been the subject of study and […]
Different Rivers

Namaste, trayī sāṅkhyaṁ yogaḥ paśupatimataṁ vaiṣṇavamiti prabhinne prasthāne paramidamadaḥ pathyamiti ca | rucīnāṁ vaicitryādṛjukuṭila nānāpathajuṣāṁ nṛṇāmeko gamyastvamasi payasāmarṇava iva || 7 || Different paths to realisation are found in the three Vedas, by the philosophy of Sankhya, Yoga, Shiva worshippers, Vaishnava Shastras. People follow many different paths, straight or crooked, according to their individual temperament, […]
Rama: The rise of Dharma
Namaste, The Following blog is written by Vijay Sodhi who is working on a very exciting project, a feature length movie titled Rama: The rise of Dharma. I think it is crucial to use technology and the best in innovative creativity to carry forward treasures of India. Obviously, I love this idea, I hope you […]
The Power of Compassion
Namaste, I really feel this video encompasses the meaning of Compassion. The ego can so quickly overcome us, it is the inner values which need to be maintained. Ram Dass beautifully narrates the power of compassion shared by Terry Dobson. It is very touching and I feel displays the benefits of wisdom from our ancient […]
The Goal of Yoga: Atyantam Sukham (Boundless Happiness)
Namaste, What is the goal of Yoga? Many modern practitioners may say that it is to get a flexible body, or to get fit. This is a positive outcome but somewhat misses the mark, there is more to yoga then meets the eye. Traditionally speaking Yoga is one of the six orthodox philosophical schools of […]