40. The Virtues Of Rama
I shall now proceed to explain the virtues of Rama. Rama is the repository of all virtues, his grace extends towards all beings. He is the richest of all kings, and yet has taken in me, the poorest of servants. He is the root of compassion and love, and he embodied all of the highest […]
39. Say Rama At Any Opportunity
Repeat the name regardless of good or bad intentions, whether yawning or out of frustration it matters not, it is the heart of all hearts.Recite the name at any time, whether when angry, hungry, tired, happy, it is a centering device, it is a sacred mantra to bring you to your inner silence. repeat not […]
38.A. Yajnavalkya Is Asked, Who Is Rama?
Rama is beyond comprehension. Rama is God, the ground of reality, Rama is the Brahman of the Upanishads, yet at the same time was a prince who lived in the city of Ayodhya. How is this even possible? God is immeasurable, is there anything he cannot do? Whether we meditate upon the vast, inconceivable Brahman, […]
38. Prahlada Maharaja
This name of Rama is none other than Narasimha who manifested in a lion like form to destroy the evil King Hiranyakashipu who is like the Kali Yuga. Crushing evil in its worst form, the name is God, those who take refuge in repeating it will find the greatest of sanctuaries.Prahalada is considered a saintly […]
37. The Name Is Like Hanuman
In the Sat Yuga, Meditation was the best method for liberation, in the Treta Yuga it was the Vedic fire sacrifice, in the Treta Yuga worship of God, and in the Kali age the name of Rama is the path. Chanting, meditating on, singing, embracing the repetition of Rama’s name is the best method for liberation and […]
36. The Four Yugas
In all of the four ages, past, present, and future, living beings have acheived freedom from meditation on Rama nama. The Vedas, the Puranas, the holy saints, they all agree, the reward of living virtuously is the opening of the heart and living with the Love of Rama.In Hindu cosmology time is cyclical. Existence arises […]
35. Love For The Name
Lord Shiva loves and glorifies the name. The sage Narada acknowledged the glory of the name. Shaunaka and Sukadeva enjoyed heavenly bliss through the chanting of the name. Prahlada became the King of all through the grace ofd the name. Dhruva was saved from distress by the recitation of the name. The list of beings […]
34. Ending Suffering For As Many People As Possible
It is my opinion that Rama’s name is greater than the attributeless Brahman and even Ramachandra himself.It is true that Rama incarnated as a human being to help good people, he endured much suffering for the happiness of pious souls; but anybody who takes to lovingly repeating this name will find endless joy and become an […]
33. Satchitananda
There is no difference between Brahman and Rama, they are one. The essence of the all pervading brahman is truth, awareness, and bliss. It is said in the scriptures that Brahman is present in the heart of all beings, pervading all of existence, if this is so, why is there so much suffering? Meditation upon the […]
32. The Easiest Path
The two aspects of God, Brahman and the personal God with Attributes are both difficult to understand and attain. But the name is so simple, available to all of us to embrace and find refuge in. Meditation on the name is there for the masses, this is why, in my view as a humble servant, […]